Brands See Hikes In Wholesale Shopper, Home Improvement Personas, Study Shows

August 23, 2021

Consumer confidence was just about roaring back over the summer. Then the Delta variant took hold, and things may slow down in the fall, according to the Q2 2021 Consumer Trends Report, a study from Gravy Analytics.  Email teams struggling to make sense of it might look at the growth in different personas (as defined by purchasing interests).

Case in point: The percentage of devices in the home improvement personas, defined by purchasing interests, is now at 33.1%, up from 15.5% in 2019.  

There also has been growth in golf enthusiasts to 28.6%, versus 10.8% two years ago. 

And weekend travelers have seen a quantum increase — to 25.7%, up from 11.4% in 2019.

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