Terra’s Kitchen & Gravy Analytics:
Customer Behavior Analysis with Location Analytics


Retail & Restaurant

The Problem: Improve Understanding of Customer Behavior

Terra’s Kitchen wanted to acquire more loyal customers and increase customer retention, as well as, create a lookalike audience for digital advertising campaigns.

The Solution: Customer Behavioral Analysis & Custom Ad Audience

By using a combination of Gravy DaaS, Gravy Insights, and Gravy Audiences, Terra’s Kitchen analyzed the behavior of their customer base.

“Gravy gave us deep insights about our best customers,
and uniquely identified a much larger, targetable
universe that looks just like them.”
Stacy Poliseo, Head of Marketing, Terra’s Kitchen

The Findings: Distinct Customer Behavior Trends

Ultimately, Terra’s Kitchen used these new insights to validate their product strategy and increase the reach of their digital advertising campaigns.

Want to learn more?

Download the full case study to get details on how Terra’s Kitchen increased their ad campaign reach and improved their marketing strategy.

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