Heard on the Street, Episode 11: Pivot Dynamics with Gravy Analytics’ Jeff White

September 5, 2018

Startup pivots often get glorified in tech-world culture. That’s because you often hear about the ones that worked (think: Slack). They’re easy to commend in retrospect. But at the time of pivot, it’s less clear and a lot scarier, especially when the business’ fate—and people’s jobs—are on the line.

“As an entrepreneur, they always say you have to be gritty and tough, and the world’s going to kick you in the teeth, and you have to keep going and persevere,” said Gravy Analytics founder and CEO Jeff White, our latest guest on Heard on the Street. “But sometimes that comes at the expense of having a vision that’s blinding. So you can’t not take your head up and realize, we may be off course.”

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