Despite Pride Month backlash, Target sees foot traffic climb in May

June 8, 2023

Target on Maple Grover Parkway in Maple Grove, Minnesota. The retailer saw higher foot traffic in May, according to location-intelligence company Gravy Analytics.

Target Corp. has had a rough few weeks, getting criticized by conservatives for its lineup of LGBT-friendly clothes, then pilloried again for pulling products in the face of the first backlash. But stores recorded some positive news in May: More foot traffic.

CNBC reports data from location-intelligence company Gravy Analytics that show customer foot traffic at the Minneapolis-based retailer rose 69% between April 30 and May 27 compared to the same period last year.

Target had 8.54 million daily visitors the week of May 14; that number climbed to to 8.7 million daily visitors the following week, Gravy said.

Other big retailers also saw gains in foot traffic, but not as much as Target.

Foot traffic is vital to any retail chain, but it’s a particularly big deal for Target. A significant part of the retailer’s success over the years has been turning quick trips for basics into bigger shopping sprees with impulse-buy items, and that works only if the customer is in the store to begin with.

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